Passion and Purpose Meet in Jamaica!
One of the most amazing experiences of my life took place at a little elementary school in Montego Bay, Jamaica. I visited the Barrett Town School last month to meet the kids and deliver school supplies. It was an awesome experience. The kids are super sweet; I found their energy and smiles to be infectious. Unlike even the most impoverished schools in the United States, the Barrett Town School has even less. The kids are in small, cramped classrooms with bars on their windows. There is no air conditioning therefore the classrooms are hot. I also noticed that the kids don’t have computers, although a company has provided internet service free of charge.

There are so many things that we take for granted in American schools like a library, computer lab and cafeteria. The school in Jamaica had none of those things, but never-the-less the kids love to learn and appreciate even small acts of kindness. They respect their teachers and school administrators. They were kind to me and the girls who came along. It was refreshing to see little kids aspire to be better.
I plan to return to the school in May 2013 and take more supplies. I would even like to take iPads or some other kind of tablets and Kindles for the kids to use in class. After the New Year gets underway, I’ll put out a request for donations to purchase more things for the them. The school is small with only ten classrooms. It’s my goal to have gifts for each classroom even gift bags for the kids. I know that it’s a noble ambition, but I can do it. If you would like to help make a difference be sure to send an email to me at I believe that when passion and purpose meet its the result of a higher plan at work. My purpose is to help someone else discover their own; it's part of my destiny.
What are you passionate about?