It was 10 years ago that I made my way to Paris to buy my very first Chanel handbag. I remember walking through the boutique doors at 31 Rue Cambon and setting my eyes on all things Chanel. This is the flagship boutique where the double C logo makes you believe that starting your collection of haute Chanel handbags, shoes, clothes and jewelry is not just a shopping experience but a lifestyle!
I had to purchase the classic shoulder bag with the gold chain and lambskin leather. I paid a pretty penny for it, but the dollar was strong at that time so it was less than it would have been had I bought it in the US. Today, the bag has appreciated in value and costs about $3,000.00, but it is expected to increase even more since prices for these sought-after handbags increase annually.
The sales clerk handed my purchase to me in an oversized black and white shopping bag with a Camellia attached with black ribbon—so Coco! As I strolled the streets of Paris with my new purchase, I remembered something Coco once said, “A girl should be two things: Classy and Fabulous!” And so it is… my Chanel obsession began to take on a life of its own.
Today, my collection consists of several handbags, luggage, accessories and clothing. Every Chanel purchase was carefully thought-out before any investment was made. After all a true collector understands the importance of capturing just the right piece that would make even Coco proud!
What's your obssession?