Tuesday, May 22, 2012
Still here...
Sorry for disappearing, I left for Canada to my home town and then to Winnipeg where a bookstore group will sell Emperor of Mars in their stores. It's also a chance to "visit" as they say. Also have a dozen DVD's of Ghostkeeper for the Deer Lodger Hotel. Seems they will keep a few and sell the others to guests.
Not a major sale to HBO, but hell, it's still a sale.
Tomorrow I will be one of those sad authors sitting at a desk in a little bookstore in Swan River (Pop 4800) which is a farming community. Next Tues I do the same thing in Winnipeg. I really, really don't like it as I've seen too many authors sitting alone in the back of a bookstore hoping someone will buy their book.
I'll be here for 2 weeks, then back to LA and will now resume blogs. Thanks for hanging around.
BTW, the pic above was taken in Idaho, a really well built house even though it's old