Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Mini blog: Update on progress

 So far, the first week of the blog exceeded all expectations and I thank all of you who take time to go thru my rants and frustrations as well as my hopes.  As most of you know, I am following the progress, pretty much in real time, of making a movie from before it even is close to filming. I have spent last week detailing the screenplay, because that's where it all begins. 

This week will bring in the director, and then the rewrite wherein two creative people experience frustration, inspiration, and finally compromise  in the hope of a better screenplay. That will be followed by creating a business plan, budget and releasing information to potential investors.  All this will happen in the next few weeks. 

It should be noted that raising money for a movie can take a few months or a few years. My screenplay, Emperor of Mars has been around since 1990 and has been almost made 6 times, and that's not uncommon for a movie.  I think every producer, director and writer in this town has a few of those projects that take years to get made. I had a meeting years ago with Dustin Hoffman's Development exec who said Hoffman had an Irish movie he has been trying to make for several years but could never get the money.  I've heard this often from major producers and companies.

The reasons some movies don't get made are many, the project may cost too much, it may cost too little, an actor isn't available, the studio is broke, the investors argue about who gets what and they eventually bail.  Or the producers may just get tired of the project. There are as many reasons as there are producers. So you can see what I'm trying to do in 6 months, I want to make this movie in December. 

And I want you to see how it all comes out.