Julia and I caught a short train ride to Versailles to see the Versailles Palace. The weather wasn't the greatest but we spent some time walking around the gardens and marveling at how large and beautiful everything was, from the perfectly trimmed trees to the marble statues. After walking around for a bit, we headed inside and were even more blown away by the interior of the Palace. So much attention was paid to every little detail, it's amazing. Here are some quick facts for you-
-In 1624, Louis XIII, the king of France, began the building of a modest hunting lodge in the small village of Versailles. Then Louis XIV enlarged and enrobed the old lodge, turning it into the great Chateau we know today
-In the early days of Versailles, the outside guards whistled when Louis XIV approached, so the gardeners could hae the fountains fully running whenever he arrived at any given spot.
-There are 50 fountains in and around the Palace. 951,019 gallons of water used per hour when all the fountains are in full play.
-There are about 150 varieties of apple and peach trees in the vegetable garden at Versailles. 48 full-time gardeners are employed to look after the gardens.
-During the reign of Louis XIV, a hat and a sword were considered proper attire for gentlemen visiting the Grand Apartment at Versailles; those without could rent them at the front gate. Monks were not allowed inside.
-In 1837, Louis-Philippe converted the whole deal to a museum of French History in what may have been the historic starting point for the development of mass tourism.
-World War I was ended here with the signing of the Treaty of Versailles.
If you want to read more info on it, go here.
-In 1624, Louis XIII, the king of France, began the building of a modest hunting lodge in the small village of Versailles. Then Louis XIV enlarged and enrobed the old lodge, turning it into the great Chateau we know today
-In the early days of Versailles, the outside guards whistled when Louis XIV approached, so the gardeners could hae the fountains fully running whenever he arrived at any given spot.
-There are 50 fountains in and around the Palace. 951,019 gallons of water used per hour when all the fountains are in full play.
-There are about 150 varieties of apple and peach trees in the vegetable garden at Versailles. 48 full-time gardeners are employed to look after the gardens.
-During the reign of Louis XIV, a hat and a sword were considered proper attire for gentlemen visiting the Grand Apartment at Versailles; those without could rent them at the front gate. Monks were not allowed inside.
-In 1837, Louis-Philippe converted the whole deal to a museum of French History in what may have been the historic starting point for the development of mass tourism.
-World War I was ended here with the signing of the Treaty of Versailles.
If you want to read more info on it, go here.